Pencarian Produk atau Informasi Hukum

Hasil Pencarian

Bentuk Nomor Tahun Perihal  
Keputusan Presiden 44 1986 Pnegesahan Agreement ASEAN Energy Corporation Detail
Keputusan Presiden 45 1986 Pengesahan Asean Petroleum Security Agreement Detail
Keputusan Presiden 46 1986 Pengesahan International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships 1973 beserta protocol (The Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships 1973) Detail
Keputusan Presiden 49 1986 Pengesahan Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material Detail
Keputusan Presiden 51 1986 Perubahan atas Keputusan Presiden No. 18 thn 1986 ttg Pajak Pertambahan Nilai yang terutang atas impor dan penyerahan barang kena pajak dan jasa kena pajak tertentu yang ditanggung oleh pemerintah Detail
Keputusan Presiden 58 1986 Pengesahan Agreement on the recognition of Dometic Driving Licences Issued By Asean Countries Detail
Keputusan Presiden 59 1986 Pengesahan Loan Agreement on Nucleus Estate and smallholder Project (Nes VII Region IV) between Saudi Fund and RI Detail
Keputusan Presiden 60 1986 Pengesahan International Convention on standars of training, Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers 1978 Detail
Keputusan Presiden 65 1986 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai yang terhutang atas Impor dan Penyerahan Kertas Koran untuk Penerbitan koran serta Penyerahan Koran Detail
Keputusan Presiden 1 1987 Pengesahan Amandemen 1979 atas Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 1973 Detail
Keputusan Presiden 8 1987 Pengesahan Agreement Between the Ri and Austria for the avoidances of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital beserta protokol Detail
Keputusan Presiden 11 1987 Pengesahan Agreement on the preferential Shortlisting of Asean Contractors Detail
Keputusan Presiden 12 1987 Pengesahan Agreement between the RI and Korea regarding the establishment of a vocational Training Center in The RI Detail
Keputusan Presiden 14 1987 Pengesahan Loan Agreement Development of Surabaya Port Project (PHASE II) between the Saudi Fund and RI Detail
Keputusan Presiden 16 1987 Penyederhanaan Pemberian Izin Usaha Industri Detail
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