Pencarian Produk atau Informasi Hukum

Hasil Pencarian

Bentuk Nomor Tahun Perihal  
Keputusan Presiden 34 1989 Pengesahan Agreement on the global System of trade Preferences Among Developing Countries Detail
Keputusan Presiden 37 1989 Pengesahan Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) Detail
Keputusan Presiden 41 1989 Pengesahan Instrument for the amendement of the constitution of the International Labour Organization Detail
Keputusan Presiden 46 1989 Pengesahan Customs Convention on the International Transport of goods under cover TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) Detail
Keputusan Presiden 45 1989 Pengesahan Customs Convention on Containers 1972 Detail
Keputusan Presiden 47 1989 Pengesahan Persetujuan antara RI dan Jerman mengenai kerja sama kebudayaan Detail
Keputusan Presiden 54 1989 Pengesahan Third Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union Detail
Keputusan Presiden 61 1989 Pengesahan Resolution of the United nations on Nickel 1985 beserta Annex mengenai The Terms of Reference for international Nickel Study Group Detail
Keputusan Presiden 62 1989 Pengesahan Final Resolution of the United nations of copper 1988 beserta Annex mengenai The Terms of Reference for international Copper Study Group Detail
Keputusan Presiden 63 1989 Pengesahan Final Resolution of the United nations of tin 1988 beserta Annex mengenai The Terms of Reference for international tin Study Group Detail
Keputusan Presiden 1 1979 Mengesahkan Agreement between RI and Belgium relating to granting of financial asistance by the RI yang ditandatangani di Jakarta 2 November 1978 Detail
Keputusan Presiden 9 1979 Mengesahkan Agreement between RI and Asean relating to Priviliges and Immunities of Asean Secretariat Detail
Keputusan Presiden 37 1979 Mengesahkan Agreement between RI and Papua New Guinea Concerning Technical Cooperation Detail
Keputusan Presiden 52 1979 Mengesahkan Agreement between RI and Lebanon for Air Services between and beyond their respective territories Detail
Keputusan Presiden 14 1979 Mengesahkan Charter for The Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institution (ASOSAI) Detail
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